The first of these brands is Our Legacy, from Sweden, who are offering their take on classic style. They are a brand for the modern gentleman, of all ages, made to appear thrown together in a perfectly natural and confident way alongside anything in your current wardrobe. The use of Italian, British and Portuguese fabrics give them the feel of being pulled straight from your Grandfather's wardrobe, but remodeled to offer relevance in a modern context. However, the great thing about this brand is they do these things with a sense of humour. Drawing from their knowledge of graphic design and sales, these guys took that leap of faith, and season-on-season their fits improve, new materials are sourced and factories discovered and we're excited to be part of their evolution. People often talk of 'effortless style' and it would be an insult not to mention Our Legacy's name when discussing this topic. You can't help when looking through the collection each season to feel reassured by the familiarity of their pieces, but the enjoyment of noticing new additions. When you look into a brand such as Ralph Lauren, not only did he sell you garments, but you buy into an entire culture for which some become lifelong devotees; Our Legacy have every opportunity to grow into this kind of brand.

For a more indepth look at the story behind Our Legacy, and a personal interview with Jockum Hallin, one of the brand's founders, then pick up a copy of Inventory Issue 2 from our online store.

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